Home Sweet Home
Australian honey is produced by our hardworking beekeepers to the highest food production standards globally. Here in Australia, honey bees access more floral sources ideal for honey making than anywhere else in the world, which means Australian honey has the widest range of tastes and colours.
By purchasing 100% Australian honey, you’re supporting beekeepers who are at the heart of a healthy Australia.

65% of horticultural and agricultural crops require honey bees for pollination.

35 industries depend on honey bees to pollinate crops and trees for their production

1/3 of the food on your plate depends on honey bees

1,800 commercial beekeepers in Australia

20k tonnes average honey production per year (levied hives only)

$14.2 billion honey bee and pollination industries contribute to the Australian economy each year
Home Sweet Home news
All Home Sweet Home newsCEO Update July 2023
25 July 2023The crazy conference season has now drawn to a close with the last of the member body conferences being in WA. There has been learnings and enlightening discussions from across… Read More
CEO Update June 2023
22 June 2023The Varroa response has reached the grim milestone of 365 days. During the past 12 months I often reflect with appreciation, the magnitude of work that has been done by… Read More
CEO Update April- May 2023
22 May 2023Varroa continues to dominate activities. AHBIC hosted a successful webinar on 11th May to inform industry of the response progress. This was well received with nearly 500 participants… Read More