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Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers & Tasmania’s VDO Carson McGinty

2 October 2024

Varroa Extension and Engagement The Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers know how important it is to learn new skills and improve hive health, when it comes to beekeeping. At their September session […]

Varroa Extension and Engagement

The Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers know how important it is to learn new skills and improve hive health, when it comes to beekeeping. At their September session they welcomed Tasmanian Varroa Development Officer from Biosecurity Tasmania, Carson McGinty to the Bee Hub.
Members of Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers with VDO, Carson McGinty
Carson is employed under the National Transition to Management (T2M) Program and works in the south of Tasmania to provide extension and engagement to beekeepers of all levels. Carson delivered an in depth and valuable experience talking all things varroa through multiple small group education sessions along with invaluable practical lessons to the keen group of young beekeepers.
Young Beekeeper Iola, Taking a half cup of bees for the monitoring via alcohol wash.
Educating the group of beekeepers about Varroa Mites is the upmost importance for the Tasmanian Junior Beekeepers, after all, “their beekeeping journey will differ greatly from past generations and by all global accounts it’s going to be a bumpy road” said Anita Long.
Young beekeeper Aliya, If the kids are doing it, anyone can. 😉
Whilst the weather was ominous, the day provided the organisation valuable education and an opportunity to learn lots of new skills. They thankfully found no Varroa Mites in their alcohol wash inspections. The day was a positive experience for the dedicated young beekeepers and special guest Carson.
Young beekeeper Ethan, performing the alcohol wash to test for presence of Varroa mites, thankfully negative!

Across the country, Varroa Development Officers are employed under the T2M in all states and territories. They are here for a limited time, some wrapping up as soon as March 2025, and all activities wrapping up at the same time as the T2M in February 2026. Reach out to a VDO in your local state or territory to find out more on how a VDO can help to provide hands on beekeeping skills for varroa management and learning for the future, their time employed is limited so AHBIC encourages beekeepers, clubs and associations to reach out and ask about a valuable VDO engagement opportunity near you!