CEO Update December 2024
17 December 2024CEO Report December 2024 AHBIC continues to work through the industry priorities. Over the last month we have met with areas of the federal department to progress the imported honey […]

CEO Report December 2024
AHBIC continues to work through the industry priorities. Over the last month we have met with areas of the federal department to progress the imported honey issue and export markets and meeting with a separate area to discuss varroa treatment registrations. I also attended the Plant Health Australia AGM in Canberra at the end of November.
Plant Health Australia AGM and Deed meetings
At the end of November PHA held their AGM and associated deed meetings in Canberra. These meetings are attended by all the signatories to the Emergency Plant Pest Response deed (EPPRD). Meetings included the Plant Industry Forum (coalition of industry partners, ex government) where we discussed common biosecurity challenges and challenges with the EPPRD. These fruitful discussions included guest speakers from the department and provided a candied opportunity to speak directly to the heads of department.
The AGM presented the achievements from PHA over last 12 months and the forecast for coming 12 months. Members were asked to vote on a new member application from the Protected Cropping Association which was rejected by members.
Transition to Management Program
AHBIC continues to work daily in the transition to management program specifically to deliver the AHBIC allocated projects, Extension and Engagement, Coloss, Code of Practice and Queen bee breeding Workshops. All activities are underway and as we have details to share, we will continue to provide industry through our updates. Our Varroa Coordinator, Bianca, also continues to coordinate the national extension and engagement activity within the T2M program which involves over 30 staff embedded in jurisdictions across the country. The VDO are extending T2M resources direct to beekeepers, so far they have reached over 9000 beekeepers and their valuable contribution to industry is overseen by Bianca through regular meetings for guidance, key performance check-ins and national team support but also working through some legacy pieces for beekeeper information post T2M. Find a VDO near you via the VDO page on the national website:
Code of Practice Revision
As part of the transition to management program we are updating the national Biosecurity Code of Practice (CoP). The CoP has been circulated to industry and jurisdictions with feedback incorporated. Within that feedback a material change of reducing the part C threshold from 50 to 5 hives was proposed so we decided to go back out to consultation. Feedback from the second round has been consolidated and a third and final draft has again been circulated to industry and jurisdictions.
Whilst there was some support for the threshold reduction there was a lack of support from the governments and the recreational sector. Overwhelmingly the feedback suggested a compromise of 20 or more as the threshold. This suggested amendment has been included in the third draft circulated.
Emergency Plant Pest Response Fund
The objection period for the changes to the EPPR levy closes on the 18th December after which time the feedback will be reviewed, any changes will be made and the minister will be notified. This will conclude the formal process from AHBIC and it will be then up to the Minister to approve the changes. If approved these changes will come into effect from July 1 2025.
Federal Department of Agriculture (DAFF)
We continue to meet monthly with the importation unit of the department to ensure we continue to progress the issues around imported honey. The department has been very receptive to working with AHBIC to improve the situation. AHBIC is in the process of planning a department workshop in March where we can drill down on the issues and identify areas in which the department can further assist industry.
We also continue to be in close contact with the export section of DAFF to ensure we continue to find and develop new export destinations for our honey. This includes hosting international auditors with a delegation from Vietnam arriving in February to audit some facilities. This will be a great opportunity for our industry to showcase to the Vietnam authorities the high standards to which we operate.
The Month Ahead
Christmas is less than a week away at the time of writing and I wish all a very merry and safe Christmas and new year period, hopefully you can enjoy some time off with your family and friends. The AHBIC team will be taking some time off over the Christmas and new year period as we recharge for what will another big year for the industry and AHBIC.
Danny LeFeuvre