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Industry Update – day 85 of the response

Industry Update – day 85 of the response

15 September 2022

UPDATED Emergency Order No. 28 Commercial Queen Breeders can resume business Queens and queen cells can now be raised and sold commercially within NSW with conditions including completing the Tocal… Read More

Industry Update
28 August 2022

INDUSTRY MEETING AHBIC will be holding an open industry meeting on Wednesday 31st August at 6pm AEST via Zoom. This will be a Zoom meeting hosted by AHBIC and will… Read More

Chair Report
24 August 2022

Wow.  What an introduction to the job as the new chair of AHBIC.  Becoming the new chair at the AHBIC AGM on the 12th of Jun 22 I knew I… Read More

CEO update August
24 August 2022

The first six months in the acting CEO role was dominated by the congress and keeping AHBIC operating in business as usual.  Since signing on as the CEO of AHBIC… Read More

NSW Emergency Response Beekeeper update
13 August 2022

Beekeeper update 13 August 2022 NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) is continuing efforts in response to the Varroa mite incursion, confirmed as Varroa destructor, found in biosecurity surveillance… Read More