Activity from the VDO in the Northern Territory!
22 November 2024Varroa Extension and Engagement in the NT! In October 2024, NT VDO Karlee Foster travelled to Broome, Derby and Kununurra offering hive demonstrations to local hobbyist and commercial beekeepers focusing […]

Varroa Extension and Engagement in the NT!
In October 2024, NT VDO Karlee Foster travelled to Broome, Derby and Kununurra offering hive demonstrations to local hobbyist and commercial beekeepers focusing on varroa mite monitoring in addition to social opportunities in each location. Karlee was accompanied by two WA DPIRD staff, Kate Powell and Jessica Bikaun, in Broome and Derby.
The local knowledge and existing beekeeper relationships provided by DPIRD staff were integral to the positive outcomes of the trip and a springboard for future positive engagements.
Generally the beekeepers that participated all had a desire to have bees for honey production, some commercially and of the commercial beekeepers, some pollination services were a regular diversification for their ongoing business. Learning more about he varroa mite and its impacts to their beekeeping practice, was a valuable experience.
What was the Focus of the Engagements?
Hive demonstrations!
VDO Karlee, WADPIRD Apiary team Kate and Jessica provided practical hands-on demonstrations in the apiaries identifying suitable brood frames to conduct the alcohol wash as the preferred detection method. Explanatory discussions of monitoring, mechanical and chemical treatments and varroa anatomy and biology occurred both before and after hive demonstrations in each location. Each discussion varied somewhat in content and was tailored to the attendee’s knowledge and interest.

- Valuable learning and development opportunity for participants
- Increased varroa mite monitoring, reporting and treatment knowledge across the Kimberley region
- Increased general bee biosecurity knowledge across the Kimberley region
- Continued positive government/stakeholder relationship building
- Projected increase in registration, particularly in the Kununurra area

Across the country, Varroa Development Officers are employed under the T2M in all states and territories. They are here for a limited time, some wrapping up as soon as March 2025, and all activities wrapping up at the same time as the T2M in February 2026.
Reach out to a VDO in your local state or territory to find out more on how a VDO can help to provide hands on beekeeping skills for varroa management and learning for the future, their time employed is limited so AHBIC encourages beekeepers, clubs and associations to reach out and ask about a valuable VDO engagement opportunity near you!
Article adapted from Report written by Karlee Foster NT VDO, thanks Karlee.