Education & Training

The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council is committed to supporting education to enhance and develop all honey bee industry sectors.

Australian Registered Beekeeping Training Qualifications
To become a beekeeper, there are several training options available through Registered Training Organisations.
Certificate III in Beekeeping Qualification
This is the nationally recognised beekeeping qualification which equips a beekeeper with the knowledge in honey production, pollination services, beekeeping as a business, as well as the legislation and regulations relating to beehive ownership.
Traineeship in Beekeeping
Specialised beekeeping traineeships are available in some Australian States, as part of the nationally recognised Certificate III in Beekeeping course, to those working as a paid employee in a beekeeping business. A traineeship may attract Government financial assistance for both the employer and employee.
Basic Beekeeping Skill Set
This course is suitable for entry level workers in the beekeeping industry and for hobby beekeepers. It covers the basic skills and knowledge required to keep and maintain a beehive or operate a small apiary. The units of competency in this qualification can provide credit towards a Certificate III in Beekeeping.
Statement of Attainment in Beekeeping
Beekeepers may choose to complete just one or more units of competency from within the Certificate III in Beekeeping course and receive a Statement of Attainment for those units.
The completed units of competency can provide credit towards a Certificate III in Beekeeping.
For information about the Cerfiticate III in Beekeeping and the units of competency, visit to find Registered Training Organisations that offer the course.

B-Qual Australia Pty Limited is an independently developed and audited food safety program established by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council.
It is a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point based program that provides businesses with product integrity, quality assurance, regulatory compliance, industry best practice, biosecurity and access to domestic and export markets.

Honey exports
Information on exporting honey
Honey is classified as a non-prescribed good under export legislation, however honey exporters must meet all conditions set by the importing country.

Honey levy
Honey levy information
Honey produced in Australia and sold, exported or used in the production of other goods attracts a levy and export charge. AgriFutures Australia, Plant Health Australia and the National Residue Survey are responsible for the expenditure of the honey levy and charge.

Honey Bee Research
With targeted investment the AgriFutures Honey Bee & Pollination Program supports research, development and extension that ensures a productive, sustainable and profitable beekeeping industry and secure the pollination of Australia’s horticultural and agricultural crops.
Cooperative Research Centre for Honey Bee Products
The CRC for Honey Bee Products aims to resolve industry problems that limit both the value and expansion of the Australian honey bee products industry.
James Cook University
James Cook University is investigating the effects of bee stressors, such as disease and pesticide exposure, on their behavior.
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland University of Technology is looking for students to study Australian floral resources and pollen harvesting by honey bees.
University of Sydney
The University of Sydney’s BEE lab researches the Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of bees combining work in the both lab (genetics and genomics) and the field (behavior and ecology).
University of Western Australia
The University of Western Australia’s Faculty of Science is driving research to provide non-chemical solutions to maintain honey bee health, protect and create honey bee hive sites in harmony with native fauna and support local industry to add value to their products.