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CEO Update September 2024

23 September 2024

CEO report September 2024 Spring has sprung, with what is for many around the country a very dry start to the season.  Beekeepers are generally report limited prospects across most […]

CEO report September 2024

Spring has sprung, with what is for many around the country a very dry start to the season.  Beekeepers are generally report limited prospects across most of the country with many focusing on pollination this spring. 

Beekeepers have reported that the almond pollination event was quick, with generally good weather and almond growers reporting reasonable nut set.  Disappointingly we have heard of beekeepers again experiencing high levels of bee deaths on almonds, but to date AHBIC has not received any direct reports from beekeepers.  It is impossible for us to work on a solution if no one is reporting the issue directly to us.

Emergency Plant Pest Response levy increase 

At all the state conferences around the country AHBIC has been presenting to industry the proposed 1 cent per kilogram levy increase.  AHBIC has circulated the formal letter to levy payers explaining the reasons for the increase and the process that needs to be followed.  You can find the letter by clicking this link; Letter to Industry.  The next steps in the process are outlined in the letter but involve next writing to the minister seeking the increase followed by a 30-day objection period. 

Varroa Transition to Management Program

The final train the trainer event was held in Brisbane in late August. This event was well attended with VDO’s and contract trainers from around the country attending to familiarise themselves with the training content. 

Training is well underway in all jurisdictions with a list of dates and venues on the humanitix website.  T2M Training is now completed in Tasmania and nearing completion in NSW.  VDO’s are appointed and up and running in all states except SA, with VDO’s in VIC busy engaging with industry at every opportunity. VDO have been busy in NSW assisting many beekeepers along the east coast as they learn to deal with Varroa. 

Updates to the Code of Practice and the Biosecurity Manual have been progressing with many providing feedback to both documents.  A final draft of both documents is being compiled before finalising the documents. 

The Australian Coloss survey project is close to being contracted with AgriFutures in the final stages of contracting with the researchers.  We expect this will be an exciting project for our industry and you will see a lot more information about it in the coming months. 

Varroa treatment option 

AHBIC has been meeting with the APVMA to understand if, as the peak industry association, we are doing everything within our means to attract and register as many varroa control options as possible.  Our board has been exploring all options and testing them with the APVMA to see if there is more we can do within the system. 

We will report back to industry in the next newsletter the outcomes of the discussions and any identified pathways for industry. 

5th Australian Bee Congress

The organising committee of the 5th Australian Bee Congress have announced the venue for the congress being Adelaide Convention Centre on the 19th21st June 2026.  The committee now has the monumental task of pulling together the event. 

The Month Ahead 

I will be attending the Almond conference in Adelaide towards the end of the month and attending the Northern Australia Biosecurity round table.  We will also be working to gather some of our committees together over the next month to progress some the important issues. 


Danny LeFeuvre