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AHBIC Industry Update 68

17 March 2025

Lockyer Valley Detection Update As can be seen on the Queensland Varroa Heat map there are currently 11 infested premises in the Lockyer Valley and Somerset Regional Councils, as at […]

Lockyer Valley Detection Update

As can be seen on the Queensland Varroa Heat map there are currently 11 infested premises in the Lockyer Valley and Somerset Regional Councils, as at 14th March. These are from both recreational and commercial apiaries, additional samples continue to be tested for Varroa mite and exotic viruses.

Over the coming months, it is expected additional detections across NSW & QLD border regions to also occur, due to natural spread but we remind beekeepers to conduct surveillance as finding varroa early is key to a successful integrated pest management approach to managing healthy honey bee colonies.

AHBIC reminds beekeepers who have received bees, hives or equipment from the Lockyer Valley since December 2024 to conduct surveillance of their hives and report to the Bee123 portal, or if interstate check your relevant authority: Reporting Varroa. Varroa mite remains either prohibited matter or reportable pest species across all states and territories.

Queensland detection of Varroa impacting on Borders


Queensland’s varroa mite biosecurity zone remains in place. This prevents the movement of bees and live hives from jurisdictions with varroa mite (NSW, Victoria). There is also a movement control order in place for the ACT due to unlimited movement between NSW and ACT. These Queensland movement restrictions apply until 28 April 2025 unless removed earlier.

South Australia

The PIRSA – “South Australian Varroa Detection Response and Management Plan” is published and outlines South Australia’s government response for detections, both outside and within SA and can be found at: South Australia Varroa Program – Detection Response and Transition to Management Plan.

Beekeepers must still apply for an entry permit from QLD into SA. We are told PIRSA is reviewing the current process in light of the recent QLD detection and the expansion of Varroa in Eastern States.

Delivery of Education Workshops

So far the Transition to Management has delivered 83 one day face-to-face workshops across the country with attendance by commercial beekeepers representing just 46% of the target set. In addition to the face-to-face workshop there are now options for online learning, a Varroa basics, and a 9 module online version of the content from the face-to-face workshops, which is estimated to take 3 hours to complete, beekeepers can find details through the BOLT training platform: Biosecurity Online Training – BOLT – PHA.

For details on upcoming face-to-face training near you, or to access the online resources visit Training — National Varroa Mite Management Program.

Honeybee Virus Baseline Survey

Sampling for the honeybee virus baseline survey has been steadily gaining momentum. Several collections have already been completed with both the help of VDO teams and some keen citizen scientists. Collection numbers differ in each state based on size of industry and so far the activity is 30% completed with a project report due August.

VDO Extension and Engagement

Varroa Development Officers continue to improve practical skills and knowledge of beekeepers across the country with group, one-on-one, association and branch engagements reaching record levels in February. Across the national team there have been over 700 engagements in February alone, reaching over 2,000 participating beekeepers. 169 of those beekeepers are commercially registered with a further 497 recreationally registered (some participants status are not listed as either, this could be a club or association branch).

Map showing the reach of VDO teams across Australia for the month of February 2025. The larger the dot, the more participants involved in the engagement.


Some of the VDO work involves extension activities driven by demand and can be summarised by the following table for February:

Engagement type February amount nationally Commercial Recreational
Email and phone support 99 25 74
Presentations 163 46 117
In field / apiary 446 98 348

The Varroa Development Officers are well informed, several across the country have international varroa management experience and have all been connected to uplift knowledge and skills of the team throughout their appointment so far. Reach out to a VDO in your area by visiting the website for information;

Australian Colony Loss Survey (COLOSS)

Congratulations to the commitment of approximately 960 beekeepers who jumped in and completed Australia’s first ever Coloss Survey during February and March. Due to a busy season and a short timeframe to have the survey open, the overall goal of 500 commercial beekeepers completing the survey fell short. A steering committee meeting will soon review the progress with the Coloss team from ANU to ascertain potential improvements for future survey growth. AHBIC has had lots of feedback about beekeepers’ thoughts on the survey and encourage ongoing feedback to ensure the survey is well adopted and supported into the future, you can reach out to AHBIC anytime or email directly to the team via;

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You can reach out to AHBIC via:

National Varroa Mite Coordinator 

Bianca Giggins

0402 467 780

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