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AHBIC Industry Update 67 – Varroa confirmed in Queensland

5 March 2025

Varroa Destructor Confirmed Lockyer Valley Biosecurity Queensland has confirmed positive identification of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) for the first time in Queensland. Initial samples were provided from a recreational apiary […]

Varroa Destructor Confirmed Lockyer Valley

Biosecurity Queensland has confirmed positive identification of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) for the first time in Queensland. Initial samples were provided from a recreational apiary in the Lockyer Valley and as of Tuesday 4th March additional samples from recreational and commercial apiaries in the area have been collected and are being sent to laboratories in order to confirm the presence of Varroa destructor.

Biosecurity Queensland has been working closely with affected beekeepers in the Lockyer Valley and beekeepers looking for support can reach out to Biosecurity Queensland’s Varroa Development Officers (VDO). VDO’s can provide free guidance and practical advice to all Queensland beekeepers to assist with early detection and integrated pest management. They can be contacted by emailing


Queensland  Beekeepers Urged to Conduct Surveillance

AHBIC reminds Queensland beekeepers to continue best practices in conducting their own surveillance for varroa in their colonies. We also note that Biosecurity Queensland has requested any beekeepers who have received bees, beehives or beekeeping equipment from the Lockyer Valley since December 2024, you are strongly encouraged to check your hives and report results to Bee 123.

The National Varroa Mite Management Program website is a great resource for surveillance instructional videos along with the Bee Pest Blitz.


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You can reach out to AHBIC via:

National Varroa Mite Coordinator 

Bianca Giggins

0402 467 780

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