AHBIC Industry Update 60 – T2M 30th May 2024
30 May 2024Varroa Mite Management Workshops The National T2M will be hosting two separate train the trainer events to develop the capacity of contracted trainers to deliver varroa management education. In the […]

Varroa Mite Management Workshops
The National T2M will be hosting two separate train the trainer events to develop the capacity of contracted trainers to deliver varroa management education. In the coming months, several beekeeper workshop events will be added to the calendar as well as rolling out further workshops for the state of NSW. All other states will have dates and details released in the coming weeks as the education activity welcomes a coordinator to the team by mid June

Across Australia, beekeepers are encouraged to consider attending a National Varroa Mite Management Program workshop, Find out more on the following website: https://ticketing.humanitix.com/tours/varroa-management-training
Webinar 2
National Transition to Management 28 May 2024
Another successful online Webinar was hosted by AHBIC and the National T2M Program team on 28 May, delivering an engaging list of presentations and a live Q&A. Jump in and watch the recording if you missed it, there were some great details across Integrated Pest Management and Chemical registration processes in Australia that would appeal to all beekeepers who are learning to live with varroa.
- T2M Overview: Tamara Prentice, National T2M Coordinator NSW DPI
- Integrated Pest Management: Elizabeth Frost, Technical Specialist Bees, NSW DPI
- Chemicals and Varroa: Danny Le Feuvre, CEO AHBIC
Varroa Development Officer Updates
New South Wales
It is exciting to note that the NSW Varroa Development Officers (VDO’s) and their coordinator have been very busy reaching several varroa affected beekeepers across the regions in NSW. If you, your club or branch are keen to get more details and practical advice about varroa, maybe you have been to a workshop and are after some more techniques or knowledge, reach out to the VDO’s to organise an engagement activity. 1800 084 881 or email varroa.response@emergency.dpi.nsw.gov.au
Two full time VDO’s and 10 casual VDO’s will be coming soon to beekeepers in Victoria under the National Transition to Management Program. AHBIC sees their initial roles as vital education, sharing knowledge on monitoring and practical preventative measures and we encourage beekeepers in Victoria to consider ways in which the VIC VDO’s can be of service to your local club and branch in the coming months.
The Tasmanian Government is advertising for two Varroa Development Officers under the National T2M Program. These roles are responsible for engaging with commercial and recreational beekeepers in Tasmania regarding hive health monitoring and all areas of Varroa mite management through formal and informal training. View the details and apply here: Tasmanian Government Jobs (pageuppeople.com)
AHBIC Varroa Treatment Table
The treatment table as of 28th May 2024. The table has recently been colour coded to represent chemicals and their Mode of Action, so have a look to refresh your memory. The table is a guide only in understanding the key drivers of decision making surrounding Varroa management when thresholds are met and beekeepers are looking to understand the legal chemicals currently available.
AHBIC Varroa Treatment Table https://honeybee.org.au/ahbic-varroa-treatment-table/
You can reach out to AHBIC via:
National Varroa Mite Coordinator
Bianca Giggins
0402 467 780
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