AHBIC Industry Update 59 – T2M May 2024
3 May 2024Victorian Border Movements Under Permit Movements of varroa free honey bee hives have received a pathway forward with Agriculture Victoria providing entry pathways under permit for varroa free hives. We […]

Victorian Border Movements Under Permit
Movements of varroa free honey bee hives have received a pathway forward with Agriculture Victoria providing entry pathways under permit for varroa free hives. We understand border movements are contentious, but we have been pushing for clarity from jurisdictions for some time. At least this provides a pathway forward with informed decision making opportunities for some beekeepers.
Read the latest AgVic detail here:
National T2M Program Report May 2024
Control Order Lifted in NSW
The rollout of T2M activities is underway with a training workshops VDO’s becoming established and range of treatment options available the decision has been made by NSW DPI to revoke the Movement Control Order from the state. This means legislation aligns with the Biosecurity Act 2015 and Biosecurity Regulation 2017, requiring beekeepers to maintain movement records themselves. Beekeepers will welcome the reduction in lodgment of paperwork but are encouraged to continue to monitor and report varroa https://forms.bfs.dpi.nsw.gov.au/forms/13537 to the department as varroa remains notifiable in NSW.
AHBIC encourages all beekeepers to follow the Code of Practice and best management guidelines to monitor for exotic mites at a minimum of every 16 weeks and maintain healthy colonies by treating for varroa if at threshold. A guide to threshold can be found on the
NSW DPI Primefact Varroa mite management:
Webinar 1 National Transition to Management 30 April 2024
Varroa Mite Management Workshops
The National T2M will be hosting two separate workshops in Wagga Wagga, one commercial and one recreational focused, to find out more view the National Varroa Mite Management Program workshops on the following website, managed by
AHBIC Varroa Treatment Table
The treatment table as of 12th April. The table continues to outline the range of chemical treatments that are either under emergency permit, currently registered or application pending for varroa treatments. The table is a guide only in understanding the key drivers of decision making surrounding Varroa management options when thresholds are met and beekeepers are looking to understand the legal chemicals currently available. https://honeybee.org.au/ahbic-varroa-treatment-table/
You can reach out to AHBIC via:
National Varroa Mite Coordinator
Bianca Giggins
0402 467 780
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