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AHBIC Industry Update 53 – 575 days of response

18 January 2024

CCEPP & NMG Update The CCEPP is in the process of circulating and finalising endorsement of Response Plan Version 4 – Transition to Management and forward to the NMG. We […]

CCEPP & NMG Update

The CCEPP is in the process of circulating and finalising endorsement of Response Plan Version 4 – Transition to Management and forward to the NMG. We have been informed by the secretariat that the NMG will meet early February, until then we are all waiting for the plan to be approved and activated.

Varroa Spread

AHBIC encourages all beekeepers to continue to take an active role in slowing the spread by regularly monitoring hives for presence of varroa through alcohol/soapy water washing/sugar rolling, reporting results and undertaking approved treatments if at threshold. Through beekeepers reporting to the NSW DPI the varroa heat map continues to provide the best overview of the spread of varroa in NSW.

Varroa detections around the Sydney basin has seen further spread to the south of Sydney.  There is now 53 confirmed new detections of varroa that have been reported across the GREEN (suppression) zone, with a further 11 within the GREEN zone awaiting laboratory confirmation. Of the confirmed 53 new infected premises, only 26 have been provided with chemical treatment from the department.

Emergency Order

The current NSW Emergency Order was extended toward the end of 2023 and is due to expire 31st January 2024. We are awaiting a change from this Emergency Order document to a Control Order in NSW which is consistent with the emergency response transition to management phase.

Response Activities

The response continues to demobilise with the majority of activities completed and field teams reducing.  47,060 hives have been euthanised during the response with disposal now completed.  All bait stations have now been decommissioned.

Drone ballooning across the management zones continue to validate the surveillance technique with good success. Fipronil residue trials are continuing to determine if there are any residue effects on managed hives brought back into baited areas.

Chemical Treatment Table

The chemical treatment table will continue to be updated on our website please refer to the most up to date version regularly via AHBIC Varroa Treatment Table – Australian Honey Bee Industry Council. The most recent version is dated 10th January 2024.

You can reach out to AHBIC via:

Varroa Coordinator

Bianca Giggins

0402 467 780

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