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AHBIC Industry Update 50 – 506 days of response

10 November 2023

Varroa Update The total number of infected premises across NSW has risen to 347. These infested premises are located just outside the ORANGE zones. No changes to the ORANGE or […]

Varroa Update

The total number of infected premises across NSW has risen to 347. These infested premises are located just outside the ORANGE zones. No changes to the ORANGE or GREEN zones will occur under the transition to management, however, the heat map will gradually change as infected premises are confirmed. Recent changes have been applied to the Sydney basin on the heat map.

Monitoring hives & Reporting results

Monitoring hives to check for mites is regulated and should at the very least be completed and reported every 16 weeks as per the Emergency Order across GREEN and ORANGE Zones, at a rate of 10 hives each apiary or 10% whichever is greater.

Acceptable methods under the NSW Emergency Order are:

  • Sugar Shake
  • Alcohol Wash
  • Soapy water wash
  • Authorised Officer applied miticide strip and mat activities by the DPI.

Beekeepers looking for information to review alcohol wash method and equipment details can visit either this Bee Biosecurity Officer VIDEO or the BEE PEST BLITZ website.

Beekeepers are reminded to report Varroa to the department under the Emergency Order, if a person detects more than 5 Varroa mites in a hive, they must treat all the hives at the premises using a method approved by the APVMA, complying with all label directions and permit conditions no later than 14 days after the date on which Varroa mite is detected.

It is critical that beekeepers then perform mite monitoring as soon as practicable after treatment application to determine efficacy of treatment. If mite counts are low then continue with regular monitoring until mites reach threshold and then repeat treatment.

Reimbursement former PURPLE Zones – Claim deadline

Commercial beekeepers from the 3 to 6 km Southern NSW PURPLE zones, who declared their hive locations to the NSW DPI before the 20 September 2023 deadline, are eligible for Owner Reimbursement Costs(ORC’s). Providing they meet the eligibility beekeepers have until next Saturday the 18 November 2023 to lodge Owner Reimbursement Cost (ORC) applications for forgone honey. Do so by contacting the hotline 1800 084 881. Applications received after 18th November may not receive ORC payments.

Chemical Treatment Table

AHBIC, its employees, executive and consultants expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person in respect of anything, and the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done in reliance, whether wholly, partly, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this industry update document. 

You can reach out to AHBIC via:

Varroa Coordinator

Bianca Giggins

0402 467 780