AHBIC Industry Update 44 – 436 days of response
1 September 2023Varroa Response Update Hives on Almonds in NEW SOUTH WALES There were many beekeepers waiting on further instruction regarding their hives within Euroley, Nericon, Euston and Balranald RED zones. AHBIC […]

Varroa Response Update
Hives on Almonds in NEW SOUTH WALES
There were many beekeepers waiting on further instruction regarding their hives within Euroley, Nericon, Euston and Balranald RED zones. AHBIC understands this week has been a difficult and stressful experience for beekeepers across Australia especially those who found themselves in any of the southern NSW zones.
AHBIC are directing all beekeepers with hives within these zones to seek the correct information directly from the NSW DPI email communications and their website so as not to have confusion of their exact requirements.
There have been detailed risk assessments conducted by NSW DPI tailored to the CCEPP and the NMG, who have agreed to strict conditions applied to these 4 RED zones. There are requirements specific to the distance from an Infected Premise which are supported by the risk assessment and approved by CCEPP and NMG. The distances set by DPI risk assessment which are to be observed will be:
- 0 – 3 km from the IP
- 3 – 6 km from the IP, and
- 6 – 10 km from the IP
Please see the NSW DPI website for specific details that affect your hives:
Importantly, these changes do not allow movement of hives out of any other NSW PURPLE or RED zones.
New detections in NSW
Additional infested premises in NSW are sitting at 233, with new detections in Boggabri in north-eastern NSW and in Hat Head in the mid-north coast NSW. These detections were discovered through NSW DPI surveillance and are direct links to the evolving Kempsey cluster. New RED and PURPLE zones have been implemented for the Boggabri detection and an easterly extension of the Kempsey cluster has occurred.
Hives on Almonds in VICTORIA
Varroa mite has NOT been found in Victoria.
Two PURPLE zone extensions into Victoria remain in place.
AgVIC are to be commended on their swift efforts to facilitate their movement permit system to approve several beekeepers under those permits to relocate hives from almond orchards with in the VIC PURPLE zones, these strategies are represented under changes to the Victorian Control Area Order.
Queensland Beekeepers
AHBIC have been made aware that DAFF QLD have a permit system in place for beekeepers travelling into QLD from all other states including VIC and NSW. We recommend applying for permits well in advance to conducting hive movements into QLD.
AHBIC Member Bodies Meeting
AHBIC held an online Member Bodies meeting 30th August and gave a situation update regarding the Varroa Response. The meeting provided member bodies details around the number of known infected premises in NSW, the detections in almond orchards in southern NSW and outline of the ongoing work in surveillance and tracing that is occurring from the Kempsey cluster first detected back in mid August.
AHBIC member Bodies were asked to provide their view on the situation and gave mixed support for the response effort but the overall expectation was to continue our commitment to continue with eradication. AHBIC sought the views and opinions of our member bodies as it is vitally important to carrying out our work on behalf of all beekeepers across Australia.
This week AHBIC has represented industry in several NSW DPI industry meetings, two National Management Group (NMG) meetings and a Consultative Committee of Emergency Plant Pests(CCEPP). There are still frustrations around our inability to share the details around these meetings due to confidentiality. However, most of the details which directly affect beekeepers at present have been implemented in the new NSW DPI Emergency Order number 37 issued today. https://gazette.legislation.nsw.gov.au/so/download.w3p?id=Gazette_2023_2023-390.pdf
Industry Impact
AHBIC recognises the complex pressure that the honey bee industry is currently experiencing. We commend beekeepers who have cooperated with the response, especially several who have dedicated staff and their own time to assist with urgent apiary work to be completed across NSW including on almond orchards.
It is especially important as an industry to check in on our fellow beekeepers wherever they may operate as we navigate through these challenging events together. AHBIC encourages reaching out to registered organisations who are trained and well placed to provide confidential support across a range of services, not limited to beekeepers in zones.
Varroa Response Resilience Officers
Jamie Perry-Meijer – Ph: 0477 544 379 or jamie.perry-meijer@dpi.nsw.gov.au
Jodie Magner – Ph: 0477 070 453 or jodie.magner@dpi.nsw.gov.au
Disaster Recovery Health Assistance
A local service for the Kempsey area, can assist beekeepers with accessing a range of support services.
Phone: 0498 470 435
Email: mailto: MNCLHD-DisasterRecovery@health.nsw.gov.au
Rural Financial Councillor
Help to apply for Farm Household Allowance where eligible, and assistance to manage and adjust to the challenges of industry change.
Phone: 0477 343 663
Email: macksville@rfcsnr.org.au
Drought Angels Financial Assistance
For eligible primary producers, may be able to provide some financial assistance.
Phone: 07 4622 7371
Rural Aid Financial and Counselling Support
For eligible applicants, may be able to provide some financial assistance.
Ph: 1300 327 24
Beyondblue offers online counselling, support and referrals. The website provides information relating to depression and anxiety disorders, as well as options for treatment, recovery and staying well.
Phone: 1300 22 46 36
Confidential crisis support is available via phone, text or online chat.
Phone: 13 11 14
Lifeline Text: 0447 13 11 14
Lifeline online chat: www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/
NSW Mental Health Line
A mental health professional will answer your call about mental health concerns for you or someone you are concerned about, including children, teens, adults and older people.
Phone: 1800 011 511
You can reach out to AHBIC via:
Varroa Coordinator Bianca Giggins bianca@honeybee.org.au 0402 467 780