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Friends of AHBIC

 ‘Friends of AHBIC’ is a group of organisations and individuals who provide generous financial support so we can advocate effectively on behalf of the honey bee industry.

We encourage beekeepers to support those packers, queen bee breeders, equipment manufacturers and suppliers who are ‘Friends of AHBIC’.

We thank all the contributors and supporters listed below for their generous and ongoing support and also those who choose to remain anonymous.



Beechworth Honey Enterprises P/L

Hive & Wellness Australia P/L

Goldfield Honey Australia

Gold plus


Monsons Honey & Pollination

Sterling Kershaw & Co


R. Stephens Apiaries

Australian Honey Products - Lindsay Bourke

Eileen McDonald

Warral Maldon

Australian Rainforest Honey Pty Ltd

Aussie Apiaries

IM and MJ Zadow


AJ & MA Cotton

Gell's Honey Maryborough

Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW

Bees Neez Apiaries

CC&CT Cooper

Moore Pollination and honey

CT & CC Cooper

Hooper Honey

B-QUAL Australia Pty Ltd

Weerona Apiaries

Queen B

Daryl Brenton


West Coast Honey P/L

Hampson, Terry (Daybreak Apiaries)

Heritage Honey Pty. Ltd.

Zac Alcock

Dalrymple View

Outback Bee Company

Enerbees Enterprises

Dalrymple View

Naicol Pty Ltd

Desert Breeze Honey

RJ&MJ Dewar

Trevor & Marion Weatherhead


Archibald Honey

Bayside Beekeepers Association

Honeyworks Pty Ltd

Barry Cooper

FNC Apiaries

Geelong Beekeepers Club

HL & HM Hoskinson

Jurgen Rochelmeyer

Ipswich & West Moreton Beekeepers Association

Melbourne Beekeepers Club

AB's Honey

Gather By

Biosecurity Tasmania

Mark Faithfull


Beekeepers Club Inc, Blackburn, Vic

Stephen Targett

Phil Godman

Southern Cross University

The Basin Backyard

Tasmanian Pollination Services

Buzzbee Beekeeping Supplies

BeeSTARX Pty Ltd

David Treloar

Island Beehive


Sue Lloyd

S&T Consultancy

David Uebergang

Kay Lockhart

Vicki Ladds